Hi, my name is Tricia Joy and I’m 29 years old and live in Sweden. Right now I’m studying the behavioral sciences in Gothenburg, and I’m also taking a few courses in music theory, songwriting and composition offered at Coursera from Berklee College of Music. Besides that I also studying life coaching online.

I have always been interested in helping other people and my goal and dream is to become a behavioral therapist when I’ve finished my current education.

The reason why I’m so passionate about psychology is because I’ve myself been through trauma and mental health issues almost my entire life from 10 years old (or maybe even younger) and until the last couple of years.

I have been through sexual assault, domestic violence, hospitalization, suicide attempts, self harming behavior, and abuse. Now I want to help others in similar situations. That is why I study the behavioral sciences with focus on trauma recovery.

I’m also an artist in various types of fields; music, visual art, writing, sculpturing/jewelry making and graphic design/graphic illustration. I post most of my creations on my Swedish blog and my Youtube channel. I also post my writings to numerous writing communities online, such as Bhooks, Inkitt, Wattpad and more.

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